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Co-op Bank

Customer Services


1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP


0345 721 2212


8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday.

The Co-operative Bank is the only UK high street bank with a customer-led Ethical Policy which is incorporated into the Bank’s Articles of Association.

Co-op Bank

Customer Services


1 Balloon Street, Manchester M60 4EP


0345 721 2212


8am - 6pm Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm Saturday & Sunday.

The Co-operative Bank is the only UK high street bank with a customer-led Ethical Policy which is incorporated into the Bank’s Articles of Association.

The Co-operative Bank plc is a retail and commercial bank in the United Kingdom, with its headquarters in Balloon Street, Manchester.

The Co-operative Bank is the only UK high street bank with a customer-led Ethical Policy which is incorporated into the Bank’s Articles of Association. The Ethical Policy was introduced in 1992 and incorporated into the Bank’s constitution in 2013. The Ethical Policy was revised and expanded in 2015 in line with over 320,000 customer responses to a poll. The latest Values and Ethics report was published in May 2020.

The Bank does not provide banking services to organisations that conflict with customers’ views on a comprehensive range of issues, for example, human rights, environmental stability, international development and animal welfare, or those involved in irresponsible gambling or payday lending as stated in its ethical policy.

Despite its name, the bank has never been a cooperative itself, although it was partly owned by The Co-operative Group until 2017.